Day four - only kidding. I thought I was going to fail to make this post today. I set off with great intentions at stupid o'clock this morning to write the first draft. Only to be blighted by a lack of internet, emails etc. Humph was not my first word believe me! Then there was another blow for technology at the CB office today when my computer died over there too. It's a conspiracy - the machines are definitely revolting. This evening looked promising as I was once more connected to the outside world, but the technology gods had the last laugh and pulled the plug on me again. Thankfully I had saved much of this post into a word document (just in case) and David has brought his wireless free computer down from the office so I can finish this tonight. Phew.
Back to the job in hand so to speak. Today D stands for dilemma, a situation that I am sure we have all found ourselves in at least once in our lifetime. The actual definition of the word is 'a problem offering two possibilities, neither of which is particularly acceptable'. A dilemma could also be described as being 'between a rock and a hard place', amongst other things. If you have the incredible misfortune to have a problem with three possibilities this would be a trilemma, four would be a tetralemma and five would be time to take your ball home!
Now put your hand up if you recognise yourself. You've been stamping and inking, colouring with your favourite markers, painting and mixing colours, having a whale of a time and you are really pleased with how things are turning out. And then a little voice in your heads says "shall I just add such and such, or should I stop now". You have your dilemma. Stop now and it will nag at you that you could have carried on; carry on and suddenly the pretty colours turn to mud. Know the feeling?
The saving grace here is that, as I have said before, it is only a piece of paper and you can start again, and again if necessary and do it differently every time. If only we had a re-wind button in real life, or a new piece of paper should we make the wrong decision.
But would that be the answer? What shapes us, our
characters and our personalities, is making our own choices; if we get it wrong
then hopefully we learn a lesson and move on. The people with the real dilemmas
are those who have the choice forced upon them and find there lives controlled
by the decisions of others.
Today's art is a double D (no comments from the back row).
Taking the paler tag I stamped the sunshine scene and birds from the CB Landscape Edges clear set and used an alphabet stamp for the letter 'D'. Finally I added shading with a graphite pencil around the tree, fence and letter.
On the second tag I used the Harlequin stamp from the Decorative Edges clear set using Vermillion Archival ink, dabbed over it with Picket Fence Distress stain to 'tone' it down and added the lower case 'd'. Here was my dilemma, whether to add anything else to this tag or to leave it alone.
I quite like it as it is, but feel perhaps it needs something extra. On the other hand I may spoil it by carrying on.
At least I have the choice and my decision will not effect anyone's life or alter the future forever. After all it's a piece of paper.
Next time you find yourself on the horns of a dilemma, remember that although the decision may be a tough one to call it rests in your hands - not in those who don't care how the result of their choices play out.
See you tomorrow, technology willing.
Good morning Lesley, it's a pleasure to start this day reading your post....yes, we all have dilemma's haven't we? I always ask myself than; what is the worst thing that can happen? I like your tags with the D and can imagine that you had the Dilemma with the vibrant one.....sometimes less is more and is it an art to let things open.....
Hope your day will be a good one and the 'machines' will not bother you! xxMiranda
keep going Lesley, you are doing so well. Really like that landscape scene x Lavinia
hi Lesley, I'm really enjoying the series and hope technology doesn't interrupt it for you. You've been through such a rough year and it's inspiring to see the wisdom you've learned from it. And as I've said many times before, your ability to continue to create with your non dominant hand is amazing and definitely inspiring.
Glenda xx
PS - congratulations on the Craft Stamper article - it looks fab!
Brilliant - they didn't win did they? The technology gremlins I mean. Wise words again - & how fortunate we are when it is only a piece of paper……..but how difficult it is to realise it. Thanks again for these gems of posts.
Paula (PEP)
Well done for posting Lesley and managing to get through the technology gremlins. Your double d's look great (it had to be said). You constantly amaze me with your talent using you left hand. I'm popping into town and will pick up a CS magazine. Debbie
Absolutely yummy tags, and the colours are gorgeous. Well done you doing all these tags one-handed: I reckon your 'P' should be for perseverance and also for proud; most people would have given up on crafting after what you've been through with your injury. You're an inspiration! Sarah & the Honey Monsters x
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