Today I have taken just for me. Now that may sound selfish, but as I explained in my last post, I have been here, there and everywhere. So after arriving home thoroughly *******!! last night, after the workshop in Newcastle, I decided today would be MINE. So I spent the morning catching up on emails and browsing my favourite blogs. And guess what...? I've been awarded this.
How fantastic, this blog is only three weeks old today and Craftimamma of Crafty Love N Hugs has been gracious enough to nominate it. A huge thank you for this. It is very encouraging that, although still in it's infancy, you find my input interesting (does that read okay?) Anyway, please look at
Craftimamma's blog for fabulous photography and inspiration.
Now as I understand it the rules for this award are :
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you receive your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put the links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
So, checking through the list, I have done 1 and 2, but 3 is going to take some serious consideration. There are some very creative and interesting blogs out there and many people who inspire me. So, to make sure I pass the baton to those people who I really want get the recognition they deserve, I will take a little time before posting those nominations.
Having settled down from the excitement of receiving my first award, and coming in from helping DH with his work on the roof (yes I did say roof but that's a whole other story!!) I have spent the afternoon designing. This time on my computer using Photoshop. Although many may say this is not true hands on crafting, I really enjoy using this medium for my creativity. The blank white document on my computer screen can be just as challenging as a blank piece of card or paper. And can go just as horribly wrong too!! Anyway today has been a good day and I have added some new artwork to my growing collection. If you don't like computer art look away now.....

This is my version of an illuminated letter, which I have designed especially for a very good friend of mine. However I'm also hoping to incorporate it as the bookcover for a project I have in mind. Let me know what you think, and if you would like to see more in the future. If you really like this I might be able to share it with you so that you can download it for your own use.
There you have it, all in all a very illuminating day! Take care 'til next time.