I've had a blast the last few weeks, except for being uncermoniously being taken out of the NECC in a wheelchair a couple of weeks ago (long story involving being unable to breathe, the emergency room in the NECC, Doncaster Royal Infirmary and anaphylatic shock) and as usual have met lots of old friends and hopefully made loads of new ones. A great big thank you to everyone who has stopped at my demo stand on Clarity Stamp, or who came to the Graphicus Open Days last weekend. Your kind words and interest are what keep me going. To the lady who came to me at the stand at Glasgow and was upset to see I wasn't Barbara I apologise. To Phree, who remained at the stand in Glasgow and watched me demonstrating, even though I wasn't Barabara, thank you. To everyone else who has stood patiently while I've waited for my craft iron to heat up, while I've been cutting out or while I've searched for something that I knew I had when I started the day, but seemed to have disappeared under a pile of something else and to those of you that have kindly brought me everything from samples of your beautiful work, to cups of coffee and homemade cakes, my heartfelt gratitude. A big thank you to Glenda, Lynn, Judith and Carrie for stopping by yesterday at Harrogate, it was quite strange to see them as 'tourists' and I'm sure you all had a great day. And finally, to those that I have not been able to chat to, or whom I have missed because I took a quick five minute break I am sorry and I hope to be able to catch up with you again somewhere very soon.
Ok, before I leave blog land again, I mentioned at the beginning a new freebie. Providing I am not sabotaged along the way, I'm hoping you will be able to download this within the next couple of days. But just to whet your appetite, here is a sneeky peek

I'm now off to see if I can convert the shed into a time machine - 'Beam me up David'!