However, it's getting to that time of year again; the Trade show looms large on the horizon followed by a list of craft shows as long as your arm (from Glasgow to Farnborough and quite a few points in between!) So, with this in mind I hope to see some of you, somewhere in the country, sometime during the next few weeks. You'll soon recognise me, just look for the stand where the demonstrator is half asleep (apparently I also snore so there's another good pointer in my direction!). Seriously, I have a load of prep to do for all sorts of things and so blogging may take a back seat yet again. In the meantime, what with the dreadful weather, the credit crunch and any other horrid thing you can think of, I thought you might need cheering up. So here, designed especially for you, is a paper that you can use for Valentines day, weddings, anniversaries, just about anything really.

If you would like the freebie, just click on this link, download and save to your computer, then just print and play. If your printer will allow it has been designed to print borderless. Enjoy.
See you on the road.