
Sunday, 23 August 2009


Yes, I know I haven't blogged for some time and for that I can only apologise, but I have been rather busy with lots of exciting things. Samples for Barbara's TV shows - isn't she doing well? Demoing at Doncaster - one day only but felt like three, we were so busy. Working with Glenda on the new CD - Decadent Brocade - what a blast (and such a privilege). Demoing at the Open Days, putting together workshops for the new season at Graphicus and samples for the evening launch of the new Elusive Images Christmas stamps. Visiting my grand-daughter and giving her her very first set of rubber stamps - she's not three yet but you can't start too young! She's got the direct to paper technique with an inkpad off to a tee. Hope that's the only place she 'directs' it to though, otherwise I will have a very unhappy daughter and son-in-law on my case! In between there have been the mundane things of life (whisper- housework) and general living. So I hope you will accept my apology for being marked absent for a while.

Now I look at the calendar and it is almost September. Where did the summer go - has it been or, like me, has it gone missing? School holidays are almost over, the last Bank Holiday is only a week away and then the show season starts again. I know they say time passes quicker as you get older but, gracious, this year has flown at the speed of sound! I've also just realised that this blog is nearly a year old, at the rate the rest of the year has gone it will be walking, talking and off to university before I know it!! I've recently been reading the thread on the Graphicus Guild forum about why people blog and I hadn't really thought about it until I read some of the wonderful reasons given by this crafty group. I certainly cannot claim it is a way of regularly keeping in touch with people - can once in a blue moon be classed as regular? In the beginning (is that a line from something?) I said I would probably ramble - tick that box then; hopefully pass on some useful crafting gossip and info - 5 out of 10 for that one; and once in a while you might find something interesting here - only the lovely people that read this and take the time to leave such encouraging comments can judge that one. The one thing I do know for certain, although I don't tend it as lovingly as I should, I do find blogging very therapeutic and enjoy sharing my (sometimes off the wall) thoughts with the world. So I intend to keep going, will light the candle on the birthday cake and when I blow it out will make a wish (but if I tell you it won't come true).

So in traditional almost birthday fashion I have a present - not for me but for you. To say thank you for taking the trouble to join me here and I hope you will continue the journey. Sorry I can't send you the birthday cake but maybe this will do instead.

Click on the word link, download, then print and play. As usual, the papers can be printed borderless if your printer allows this.
Right, off I go again - does anyone know the receipe for a good cake??